25 Sep Differences between cyclists and motorists – it goes beyond the presence of an engine

Cyclists and motorists are subject to the same rules of the road. That fact sometimes leads people to think cyclists and motorists fare equally when it comes to claiming accident benefits.

That isn’t the case, mainly because…

Uninsured cyclists are the norm

Cyclists don’t need the same type of insurance motorists must carry. They often won’t have it unless they have private or house insurance covering them as cyclists.

At-fault cyclists generally must pay Personal Injury Claims, which significantly limits the amount of compensation a motorist may expect to receive.

If a bicycle is involved in your accident (whether you’re a cyclist or a driver), you may make a claim under a private/group extended medical or income loss benefit plan, if you have one.

Other questions?

We go into greater depth on Claiming Benefits for Accidents Involving Cyclists in our information sheet. If you have questions about accidents involving cyclists or you would like to discuss your case, [intlink id=”19″ type=”page”]give us a call[/intlink].